The New Workplace Pension Arrangements
Workplace Pensions and Temporary Workers.
Anne Jagger temps are eligible for the Workplace Pension Scheme. This means that you will have the opportunity to make a contribution equal to 5% of your weekly earnings which will be saved in a pension fund.
As your employer, we will also make a contribution of a further 3%. 
The taxman will also help by adding 20% income tax to your contribution.
Anne Jagger Recruitment will be using NOW PENSIONS as our pension provider. This means that we are fully compliant with the current regulations and that your savings will be managed safely.
NOW PENSIONS will be contacting all our current temporary workers with details of the scheme and how to participate. Remember...this is a Government initiative to encourage employees to save for retirement and we are legally obliged to offer it to our Temporaries Team. All employees have a 3 month period to decide whether or not to contribute.
Please speak to us in London or Witney if you have any initial concerns or questions about your Workplace Pension
Click here to see the Now Pensions employee guide